Portrait of a Silent Man
Software used:
- Cinema 4D
- ZBrush
- Photoshop
Created 17 years ago
Modeled in Cinema 4D, textured in BodyPaint and ZBrush, rendered in Cinema again with standard lights. Cinema's own Hair module has been used for adding the beard and hair. I used the Vreel Skin Shader for the skin. I didn't do much in Photoshop, apart from minor color correction, a slight DOF blur and grain.
'Portrait of a Silent Man' has been chosen by BallisticPublishing to feature in the 7th edition of Expose - The Finest Digital Art in the Known Universe. This image has also won a cgArena.com Excellence Award [link] and was named 'Image of the Month' in the French C4D community forum [www.frenchcinema4d.fr].